Friday, November 27, 2009

red hair

Thank gosh I'm on holidays, I can actually breathe and sleep. And now that it's holidays it also means my Mum is going to let me dye my hair. I thinking of a red. I was going to go dark brown, but after looking at all these photots, I got the urge to dye my hair red instead.

At the moment my hair is a light brown, or a dark blonde depends on which way you go. My hairdresser says it's a blonde.

I'm also happy to announce I have recieved a blogger award from
What I heart

These be the rules of the award
• Thank whoever gave this to you.
• Copy the award.
• Repost it in your blog.
• Tell us seven things that your readers don’t know.
• Link seven new bloggers.
• Notify the winners of the award with a comment on their blog.

Seven things you don't know about me

I'm actually extremely shy,but I try act like I'm not.

2. I can perform on a stage in front of an entire school and not feel a thing and yet put me in front of 24 people in English and I freak.

3. I love to sing, and I just got the part of a butler in "Joseph and the Technicolour dreamcoat"

4. I'm scared of leaving school, and the future.

5. I doubt myself a lot, especially my photography

6. I never stop seeing photography oppurtunities.

7. I freak at the sight of a cane toad.

I'm going to tag

From the beautiful and kind Teenage Rambler

My chummio matey Live Love Life

The inspiring and helpful Dead Lizard

sweet and nice Delicate Diaries

The kind and caring Kiki

A really cute blog Mazzy

A new blog I have found and love Janice


Liz said...

You are so sweet hahah! I think you would look absolutely GORGEOUS with red hair! Go for it!

Ah thank you for the tag <3 It should be fun to do :D

minna said...

oh oh oh, die your hair red.
red hair is the most beautiful thing, i always wished it would suit me.
also, i am EXACTLY the same with no.2
& congratulations on the part in Joseph :)
much love,
minna ♥

Erimentha said...

you are so beautiful red hair would suit you!

i love your new header and pics.

your blog is gorgeous.