It is not much longer till we are blessed with the lovely holiday, Easter. But alas I don't think I will be participating much, as my teeth are giving me rather a lot of pain. Hehe. I think I have had one to many bowls of ice cream.

I really must say sorry for the long long gaps between each blog, I have been busy, with school and personal issues, I have also been lacking inspiration and ideas. Rather scary for me as I'm usually brimming with them.

That is why I have been looking a endless amount of blogs, there is just so much beauty out there, so much creativity. Just endless wonder.
I have been rediscovering many songs recently. Such as;
Breathe, by Anna Nalick.
My Immortal, by Evanescence.
The Fear, by Lily Allen.
My hands, by Jewel.
I have finally figuired out (a late) 2 New Years Resolution. But I think I will make it a Birthday change. I will just start it a bit earlier.
1. To be more healthy.
2. To live MY story book life. To live every moment, to make people wish they had my life, as I do to most books I read. I'm going to forget perfection. Life is not perfect. It is one long curvy road, with bumbs and straight bits, I will no longer have regrets, because with out those mistakes, I would not be me. I hope to live every day looking for laughter, love and adventure and most of all beauty.

1 comment:
^___^ I hope you have a great birthday xD I just had mine two days ago and am actually suffering from too much cake and too much ice cream xD
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