Thursday, November 5, 2009

good news and good music

Good news, my Aunty no longer needs chemo or radiation, and she is going home tomorrow. And to add to the good news, my ring has been found. And I was paid yesterday. Isn't is quirky how life can just swing different directions all of a sudden.

Heres a song that I like, sorry if you guys don't like my taste in music, but I have to share anyway.


Kiki said...

So glad things are looking up for you! And that's great news about your aunt. My grandpa has lung cancer so I know how relieved you must be feeling.

And I love that video!

Liz said...


See? Good things always come after a crisis :D

I'm glad everything is working out little by little.

Loni said...

I LOVE! that video and I think the song isn't bad either
Oren Lavi has a good album.

by the way you have a lovely blog!

Anonymous said...

i've given you a blog award.