Saturday, February 14, 2009

L o v e ly things.

Since it is a beautiful valentines day, I'm going to list 7 things that I love.

1. Sunshine.
Daydream leads between reality and illusion
Of bright sunshine

Nature beauty beckons
Morning Sunshine

2. Water colour paints.
The wishy washy of pastel shades
Makes all the darkness, light & fade

3. drawings of Birds.
especially of those from Little Doodles.

4. Writing in lead pencil.
I really like it when they are box sharp.

5. Baked delights.
I may not eat a lot of them, but I have an odd obsession for looking at them.

6. Fairies.
I love the sound of their silent tip toeing, & their music is just so sweet.

7. Charlie and Lola.
Whats not to love?


Alison Kirby said...

I totally agree: pencils, watercolors, and baked delights are necessary for happiness. Your blog is very happy and cute! I wish you a Happy Valentines Day.

Erimentha said...

beautiful blog.

happy valentines day.

xxx erimentha

Le lapin jaune said...

amo charlie and lola!
lindo blog :)

Anonymous said...

everything you listed here i love! watercolours are my favourite to paint with, i think i could live off pretty pastries and charlie & lola are completely adorable. great post!

/maisie #1

Sara Downton said...

i too love watercolor paints and baked goods. i have a sweet tooth that aches quite a bit ;)
your blog is lovely!

Demi said...

what a lovely post!
sunshine makes me happy :) as does your blog!!


Claire said...

Blog award for you on my blog, to celebrate beautiful things too!!