The sparkly rain has been officially replaced by the droplets of dew. The sunset is now wonderful shades of gold, pastel shades of pink, orange & purple. The mornings and afternoons are crisp, the air fresh. The fairies are playing in the slowly falling leaves, Pumpkin flowers & Bean vines.

I must say Autumn is my most favouritest month, just everything about it has me in awe & delight. I must say I'm most sorry for a bit of a gap, but the weather has been lovely, the sweets far too tempting & the Sunshine way to glorious. The work has been high & my time has been little.

Cat and I have also been bonding, he most defenitely adorable. He makes the sadness go away, like a bandaid & brings nothing but pure fascintaion & delight. Just like rainbows or sunsets or moons.
I want to go to the moon, in a cupcake pattie, filled with glitter. & as I was leaving I would leave my own trail of glittery stars, just like with the bread crumbs Hansel and Gretel used. So I can find my way back through the dreams & to my bed. Even though living on the moon would be most delightful, it would be most lonely with out Mamma and Pappa & older brother. It would be lonely with out the magical fairies & my wonderful friends.

Pictures from We Heart It
I suppose you live in the southern hemisphere then? Spring is just springing here, which I love - not that Dubai has a proper spring! It's far too dry and hot.
A trail of shining stars would indeed be beautiful.
your pictures are so lovely (: i love the bit about going to the moon. i want to go to the moon to on a magic carpet eating cupcakes and drinking pink lemonade on the way.
have a nice day.
hey felicity,
you're cat is adorable.
much love,
erimentha xx
p.s. the word verification for this comment post was "intsy" (meaning like tiny and cute right?) it reminded me of you! hehe!
Hello Dollie, I just love how your blog makes me feel.
I linked you on mine please take a look. Could you link me as well?
xD i love the photos you put together ^___^ makes me feel so happy xD
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